Thursday, January 13, 2011

YouTube Preview.

To Preview my upcoming release of Ver 1.3 of my EDIT Pack I've made a couple videos on YouTube.
Well only 1 so far. And Here is my Youtube Channel.


  1. awesome job as always on the youtube page. i really like the layout, you do good work as always. sorry of my english.

  2. Thanks a.valone!
    It was fun to make.

  3. i cant figure out how to DL these edit packs i click link DL it put it on the flash drive throw in the MAX plug in the flash but it shows nothing there u have this uploaded to the MAX so i can DL it there online saves ...its where i get all my stuff from as well as printing out the templates from here of course anyway saw the youtube video ,work is awesome as always thanks a bunch lord worm u keep FWR HOTT and current never get that feeling that im playing the same old game all the time thanks to u!!!!!!!!

  4. are you transfering the MAX file from your Flash Pen to a Memory Card?

    The PS2 wont read saves from the Flash Pen it has to be on a Memory Card.

  5. ya that's were it all goes wrong for me ,when i go to transfer from flash drive to mem card it says there's nothing on the flash to transfer...? when i plug it in the pc it shows the edit pack is there but not on the ps2. it shows that a flash drive is there just no files on it . Also,when i DL the edits it has the windows media symbol ?? when i click it windows media opens.?

  6. If the file is comin up with a Windows Media Logo than It would most likely mean that youve somehow set that extension to be open by Media Player.
    Right Click the file and select Open With(if available)
    Which program are you transfering with? is it Max drive or Codebreaker? is the Pen the one that came with it? some pens dont work on PS2s.

    Ill need more info, I will help you figure this out though.

    Thanks Big Robb

  7. thanks lord worm your help will be greatly appreciated.Pen may just be the problem. I'm using max,and it didnt come with its own pen ,should of got that one. I got myself two pens from some electronic wholesaler from Hong Kong on ebay that cost less then 5 bucks each .I think I went cheap and got cheap know what I mean. So anyway this could be the problem . I also tryed a flash pen that came with a limited edition star wars 360 game and got the same thing. Do u recommend any brand ??

  8. I always used Codebreaker and the Pen that came with it. Not sure how cheap they are though, for some reason they seem to be very expensive.

  9. WoW it is high in price but im going to get one this week. I'll let you kno how it goes.


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